Content buckets
As mentioned in our Translation Program overview, we use 'content buckets' within Crowdin to get the highest priority content released first. When you check out a language to translate, for example, German(opens in a new tab) you'll see folders for each content bucket.
Below is a breakdown of the website pages each content bucket contains.
1) Homepage
- homepage
- Main navbar
- Footer links
2) Essential pages
3) Exploring
- Non-fungible tokens (NFT)
- Dapps
- Stablecoins
- Template usecase
4) Use Ethereum pages
- Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
- Layer 2
- Run a node
- Developers' Home
- Developer learning tools
- Developer local environment setup
- Language support
5) Use case pages
- Decentralized finance (DeFi)
- Introduction to smart contracts
- Decentralized identity
- Decentralized social networks
- Decentralized science (DeSci))
6) Staking pages
7) Learn pages
- Energy consumption
- Governance
- Ethereum security and scam prevention
- Blockchain bridges
- Web3
- Zero-knowledge proofs
8) Learn hub & guides
- Learn hub
- Ethereum guides
- How to "create" an Ethereum account
- How to use a wallet
- How to revoke smart contract access to your crypto funds
- How to bridge tokens to layer 2
- How to swap tokens
- Learning quizzes
9) Upgrades
- Ethereum roadmap
- Ethereum vision
- The Beacon Chain
- The Merge
- How The Merge impacted ETH supply
- Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs)
- Scaling Ethereum
- A more secure Ethereum
- Improving user experience
- Future-proofing Ethereum
- Danksharding
- Single slot finality
- Proposer-builder separation
- Secret leader election
- Account abstraction
- Verkle trees
- Statelessness, state expiry and history expiry
10) Community pages
- Ethereum events
- How can I get involved?
- Ethereum grants
- Language resources
- Online communities
- Ethereum support
- Community hub
11) Foundational developer docs
- Overview
- Intro to Ethereum
- Intro to ether
- Intro to dapps
- Web2 vs Web3
- Accounts
- Transactions
- Blocks
- Ethereum virtual machine (EVM)
- Opcodes for the EVM
- Gas
- Networks
- Developer docs sidebar
12) Foundational docs - Nodes and clients
- Nodes and clients
- Nodes as a service
- Ethereum archive node
- Introduction to Ethereum bootnodes
- Light clients
- Node architecture
- Client diversity
- Spin up your own Ethereum node
13) Foundational docs - Proof-of-Stake
- Consensus mechanisms
- Proof-of-stake
- Ethereum proof-of-stake attack and defense
- Attestations
- Block proposal
- Proof-of-stake FAQs
- Keys in proof-of-stake Ethereum
- Proof-of-stake rewards and penalties
- Gasper
- Weak subjectivity
14) Foundational docs - Proof-of-Work
15) Ethereum stack developer docs
- Introduction to the Ethereum stack
- Deployment networks
- Development frameworks
- JavaScript APIs
- Backend APIs
- Data and analytics
- Block explorers
- Storage
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
- Programming languages
- Delphi
- .NET
- Golang
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Rust
- Ruby
- Dart
16) Smart contracts - Basics
- Smart contracts
- Smart contract languages
- Smart contract anatomy
- Smart contract libraries
- Compiling smart contracts
- Deploying smart contracts
- Smart contract security
17) Smart contracts - Advanced
- Testing smart contracts
- Composability
- Formal verification of smart contracts
- Verifying smart contracts
- Upgrading smart contracts
18) Whitepaper
19) Additional Learn pages
20) Advanced developer docs
- Standards
- Token standards
- ERC-20
- ERC-721
- ERC-777
- ERC-1155
- ERC-4626
- Maximal extractable value (MEV)
- Oracles
- Bridges
- Data availability
21) Advanced developer docs - Scaling
22) Research documentation
- Networking layer
- Patricia Merkle Trees
- Data structures and encoding
- Recursive-length prefix (RLP) serialization
- Network addresses
- Simple serialize
- Mining algorithms
- Dagger-Hashimoto
- Ethash
- Gasper
- Weak subjectivity
- Web3 secret storage definition
23) Miscellaneous
24) Contributing
- Contributing to
- Adding developer tools
- Adding exchanges
- Adding glossary terms
- Adding layer 2s
- Adding products
- Adding staking products
- Adding content resources
- Adding DeSci projects
- Adding wallets
- Design principles
- Translation Program
- Translation guide
- Translator acknowledgements
- Our translators
- Translation FAQ
- How to translate
- Translation Program mission and vision
- Translator resources
25) Developer tutorials 1
- Calling a smart contract from JavaScript
- How to write & deploy an NFT (Part 1/3 of NFT tutorial series)
- How to mint an NFT (Part 2/3 of NFT tutorial series)
- How to view your NFT in your wallet (Part 3/3 of NFT tutorial series)
- Transfers and approval of ERC-20 tokens from a solidity smart contract
- Understand the ERC-20 token smart contract
- Uniswap-v2 contract walkthrough
- Submit a tutorial
26) Developer tutorials 2
- A Python developer's introduction to Ethereum
- Downsizing contracts to fight the contract size limit
- Hello world smart contract for beginners
- How to turn your Raspberry Pi 4 into a node just by flashing the MicroSD card
- Interact with other contracts from Solidity
- NFT Minter tutorial
- Reverse engineering a contract
- Sending tokens using ethers.js
- The Graph: Fixing Web3 data querying
- Transfers and approval of ERC-20 tokens from a Solidity smart contract
27) Developer tutorials 3
- A guide to smart contract security tools
- All you can cache
- ERC-20 contract walkthrough
- ERC-20 with safety rails
- Getting Started with Ethereum Development
- How to mock Solidity smart contracts for testing
- Kickstart your dapp frontend development with create-eth-app
- Logging data from smart contracts with events
- Merkle proofs for offline data integrity
- Sending transactions using Web3
- Smart contract security checklist
- Testing simple smart contract with Waffle library
- Vyper ERC-721 contract walkthrough
28) Developer tutorials 4
- Create and deploy a DeFi app
- Deploying your first smart contract
- How to implement an ERC-721 market
- How to set up Tellor as your oracle
- How to use Echidna to test smart contracts
- How to use Manticore to find bugs in smart contracts
- How to use Slither to find smart contract bugs
- Learn foundational Ethereum topics with SQL
- Monitoring Geth with InfluxDB and Grafana
- Optimism standard bridge contract walkthrough
- Set up web3.js to use the Ethereum blockchain in JavaScript
- Short ABIs for calldata optimization
- Smart contract security guidelines
- Solidity and Truffle continuous integration setup
- Testing ERC-20 tokens with Waffle
- Token integration checklist
- Using WebSockets
- Waffle: Dynamic mocking and testing contract calls
- Waffle say hello world tutorial with Hardhat and ethers